Our Journey
For People Who Love Crafted Home Decor
We, some young entrepreneurs started the journey together in 2021. Being from textile background and same university, it came out that each of our founding team members has separately focused on Sustainability, Circular Economy, Nature, and the betterment of people.
Over the years while traveling around the world with a deep love for handicrafts, we found that many of the high-quality hand-crafted items, in different cities all around the world are made in rural villages of Bangladesh. It sparked curiosity in us, so in search of artisans we travelled down to these villages in Bangladesh.
We found that these artisans are mostly women in these remote villages who have a genuine love for craft-making and hand-weaving fashion items. They created an impeccable work routine for themselves that didn’t interfere with their daily duties of being a wife and mother. Their hand-weaving skills are almost perfect, but they do it as a hobby and a relaxation technique, they are skilled but not creative enough to emerge new fusions in design. So, we partnered with some social organizations to arrange training for the artisans to fine tune them.
As time went on, we created a team of experts. Together, we executed this process of training and utilizing the skills of artisans in a single village in Bangladesh. But now, our team is set to visit as many villages in Bangladesh as possible in search of artisans. This is our story of starting the journey of Circular Co-Creation.